
First Post!

I have revamped my old blog in order to keep it up with me. I changed the entire meaning of my blog from useless blah blah to documenting the journey I'm about to embark on in less than 8 weeks.

I will be leaving for England in January to begin training for my new job as a "Beauty Therapist" as they call us over there. I prefer to just go with Skin Therapist.

The reason I have created this blog so soon is so that I can also document the "pre-embarking" if you will. I have to work my buns off to get there and would like to in a way show that as well.

Everyone keeps calling me lucky, but I don't know if luck as anything to do with it. I took the initiative to apply, go to Toronto for the day long interview and perform in a way so that I would be chosen. I don't think it was luck at all. I tried hard and that is what landed me the job, not luck. It is a great opportunity and a job of a life time but still, it was not and will not be just handed to me on a silver platter out of pure luck.

I will be leaving my boyfriend of 2 years in Canada while I do this job for 10-11 months. I am not about to sit here and say it will be easy, it will be difficult, but-I'm not worried. I am dedicated to him and will do my best to keep on top of staying in touch and updating, another reason for this blog.

I am leaving to work, I am not leaving to party. I will get to see some amazing things, more so than I would if I just stayed here. Yes-that is the best part and the most intriguing part about this job. I will also be gaining HUGE experience in my field with an industry leader allowing me to land a job anywhere once I have completed my first contract. This will be work, it will be fun, it will be hard and it will be amazing.

There are only good things to come! Keep you posted!

Dina! <3

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